
Posts Tagged ‘snow’

Despite the religious holidays that are upon and around us this time of year, there are plenty of things one can do to celebrate the winter season, instead of the passing of one’s holiday savior.

Taken from the blog of the amazing and wonderful fuckyeahitchywitch:

Snow Balls ~  20 – 25 should do it per candle depending on the size of your candle and shelter.


waxed paper

How to make:-

Make  snowballs about  5 inches wide. (make sure they are compact)

you may want to add a cone of paper to cover the top of the candle and wick temporarily for the next steps)

Next take a couple of  your snowballs and gently but firmly begin packing them around the candle in a snow layer. ( take care not to get the candle wick wet whilst doing this part )

once you have built up the snowballs around your candle make a base for it to stand on  the ground by pressing more snow onto the base of the candle, make sure it sits straight attached to the ground/snow.

Take the remaining snowballs, place about 8 in a  circle around your candle leaving a small space between each one, then place another 6 on top of them, keep layering them until you have made a form of igloo, remembering to leave a small space between the snowballs you want your candles to get enough air to burn also to allow the light to shine through the small spaces.

Now remove the cover over the wick if you used one and light your candle.

place the last snowball carefully over the space at the top so you complete  your igloo.

Your candle should be in the middle of the igloo and its flame should not touch the top of the igloo in fact you will want about 2-3 inches clearance so as to not melt the snow at once.


So there you have it, not everything in the holiday season has to be Christmas or Hanukkah related. I love this winter activity, because unlike sledding and snow angels, it can be done by children and grown-ups, without making you that creepy older man who goes sledding with children. Personally, I will be spending the next week with many bottles of wine, and lots of good friends. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, as I will be on vacation of hiatus. Relax, enjoy, and just do what makes you happy.

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